The 1883/2 Shield
Nickel Web Pages
Main Page
Welcome to the 1883/2 Shield
Nickel web pages!
If you are considering linking to this website (especially if you are linking from an auction), please read the following before doing so: Linking to this Website
The 1883/2 Shield Nickel is one of the most frequently misunderstood and misattributed United States coins. Very frequently a nickel which is not a true 1883/2 overdate is sold as an overdate. This leaves the buyer with a common coin at an expensive price, and inflates the seeming availability of the true 1883/2 overdate.
I hope that the information available on this website will help the reader understand the 1883/2 Shield Nickel, and provide the reader with the ability to accurately attribute them.
In order to help the reader understand 1883/2 Shield Nickels best, this site contains a number of high resolution images. Some of them may take a little while to load over slow Internet connections. Please be patient, and I hope that your patience will be well rewarded. Most of the pictures on this website were taken with a Nikon 995 digital camera equipped with a macro lens. Some of the pictures were taken using an Intel Play microscope. The microscope photos are noted where appropriate.
The pages of this web site are best viewed in a browser window of at least 800 x 600 resolution.
Auctions and other sales that misattribute coins as true 1883/2 varieties are rampant. If you see a coin that you are not sure about, you are welcome to email me for my opinion.
Please visit the following sections of the web site:
Background Information for the 1883/2 Shield Nickel
Known Varieties of the 1883/2 Shield Nickel
FS5c-013 (301) F-08 S1-5001 B2524 PM-18V.4
FS5c-013.1 (302) F-09 S1-5002 B2525 PM-18V.2
Opinions on Relative Rarities and Valuations
The Infamous 1882 Filled 2 Shield Nickel (You and Your Wallet Want to Avoid These!)
Examples of Other Shield Nickel Varieties Besides the 1883/2
References for More Information about Shield Nickels
Major Modification Log for this Website
This page accessed 1226 times (and a whole bunch more since the counters had to be reset).
Changes to the 1883/2 Shield Nickel Website last made on: Thursday April 4, 2024 23:20
All text and images for the 1883/2 Shield Nickel website are Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2015, 2016 by Howard Spindel
Comments on this website and on shield nickels in general are welcomed, and may be sent to Howard Spindel.