The 1883/2 Shield Nickel Web Pages
Major Modification Log
Oct 5, 2016
Added photos of FS-304 date close-up (courtesy Bernie Turner).
March 13, 2015
Added photos of very late die stage FS-013 (discovered by John D. Call).
March 31, 2006
Updated photo of earliest die stage FS-013.1 (no die crack) with nicer example.
December 2 , 2005
Added new die stage (F-09a) to FS-013.1. Added SNV numbers to the top of each variety page and to links.
October 20 , 2005
Added new die stage (F-10b+) to FS-013.2. Added SNV numbers to cross-reference table.
June 14, 2005
Added die stage information to FS-013.3.
June 13, 2005
Added another die stage to FS-013 (slightly earlier stage of middle die stage).
April 9, 2005
Added another die stage to FS-013.1 (later stage of the middle die stage, die break proceeds farther to the left).
March 25, 2005
Added another die stage to FS-013.2 (stage where the full cud is just starting to form).
January 17, 2005
Added page of auction data for 1883/2 sales.
December 30, 2004
Added page about relative rarities and valuations. Minor cleanup of other pages to accommodate.
September 27, 2004
Changed the varieties page to indicate five generally accepted varieties instead of four generally accepted plus the F-07.
June 14, 2004
Added comments from Dennis Paulsen on the FS-013 page concerning the prominence of the underlying 2 on the late die stage.
April 29, 2004
Added rules for linking to and redistributing material from this site.
Added additional comments on the FS-013 page concerning the prominence of the underlying 2 on the late die stage.
April 18, 2004
Added comments from Alan Herbert on the FS-013 page concerning the prominence of the underlying 2 on the late die stage.
Added photo of the elusive middle die stage for FS-013.2.
Cleaned up some information on the F-07 page.
September 14, 2003
Added die stage information for FS-013.Added additional information for F-07.
June 4, 2003
Added late die stage FS-013.1.
April 12, 2003
Added possible late die stage F-07.
April 11, 2003
Added an early die stage FS-013.2 showing most of the underlying 2.
Entirely new page added for the F-07. Other pages updated to reflect information about the F-07.
Added notes about which photos were taken with an Intel Play microscope.
Adjusted the colors on a couple of the photographs (mostly the ones that were too red).
January 30, 2003
Corrected use of die state vs. die stage. A die state refers only to how long a die has been in operation. Die states are differentiated by microscopic flow lines imparted to the die by the stress of striking coins. A die stage refers to die cracks, die breaks, gouges, cuds, or any other damage to a die (the flow lines of die states are not considered damage). Die stages may be useful for variety pick-up points, but die states are not. For example, a die that develops problems like die breaks or a cud within the first hundred strikes would still be in an early die state (because it has not been used enough to develop flow lines), but could be in a terminal die stage (because it's about to fall apart). Many thanks to Ken Hill for educating me on the difference.
Also corrected use of die crack vs. die break. A die crack is a fine line of raised metal that transfers to a coin from a hairline crack on the die. A die break is a larger fault than a die crack, and transfers to a coin as a wider (and frequently uneven width) line.
January 13, 2003
Very late die stage FS-013.2 added (with full cud overlapping rim). Deceptive die break coin masquerading as possible FS-013.1 added.
October 17, 2002
Fletcher die stage information added.
August 21, 2002
Completely reorganized, many new pictures added. Information about FS-013.3 added.
April 2, 2001
Initial version posted.
All text and images for the 1883/2 Shield Nickel website are Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2015, 2016 by Howard Spindel